What is Bipolar Disorder? The A-Z’s of What It’s Like to Live with Bipolar Disorder

What is Bipolar Disorder? The A-Z’s of What It’s Like to Live with Bipolar Disorder

It is sometimes difficult to talk about bipolar disorder (or mental illness). People usually cannot relate, unless they’ve been there before. There really is not enough content about the causes and consequences of having a mental health problem. That said, I am happy to lead the charge for folks with bipolar disorder. Below, I have…

The Stigma of Bipolar Disorder is Real

The Stigma of Bipolar Disorder is Real

The dictionary defines stigma as “A mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.” By its definition, there is a stigma associated with bipolar disorder. There is “a mark of disgrace” accompanying bipolar disorder and any mental illness, for that matter. There are several ways we can help to stomp out the…

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) On My Brain

Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) On My Brain

ECT, also known as electroconvulsive therapy, is used to treat unipolar depression and bipolar depression. It is also utilized for treating other mental illnesses. A medical professional can also prescribe ECT treatment for some individuals who have mania or are in a mixed state. Older patients and those who are not responding to regular treatment are strong candidates, as…

I Need My Medication – Do You?

I Need My Medication – Do You?

*Photo by Polina Tankilevitch I mainly advocate for bipolar disorder on X (formerly Twitter). I have all kinds of discussions and interactions each day. Recently, I discussed with a gentleman about the use of medication in the management of bipolar disorder. That is what I’d like to talk about today. “I Don’t Need Medication” That…

Comic Book Collecting 101 – How To Start A Comic Book Collection For Beginners

Comic Book Collecting 101 – How To Start A Comic Book Collection For Beginners

*This article contains affiliate links. That means you support The Bipolar Battle, Inc. with each purchase, and there is no added cost to you. To learn more, you can read our Disclosures. Comic book collecting for me started at a young age. I began collecting comic books in the 1980s and continued into the 1990s. When…

World Bipolar Day

World Bipolar Day

Van Gogh is a painter whose birthday is March 30. He is well known for having manic depression, now known as bipolar disorder, and painting such famous masterpieces as “Starry Night.” World Bipolar Day To commemorate Van Gogh’s birthday, The International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF) has adopted his day as “World Bipolar Day.” The mission of…

Lisa Gardner Review: My New Favorite Author

Lisa Gardner Review: My New Favorite Author

*This article contains affiliate links. That means you support The Bipolar Battle, Inc. with each purchase, and there is no added cost to you. To learn more, you can read our Disclosures. Finding a book that I enjoy reading has always been difficult for me. Since my concentration is almost non-existent, I can only get through…

How You Can Improve Your Mental Health With These Simple Steps

How You Can Improve Your Mental Health With These Simple Steps

Warning: Possible trigger warning surrounding suicide awareness. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please call 988, or go to your nearest Emergency Room. You can also contact the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. The big question is, “How can you improve your mental health?” In recent years, there has been a…

Beginner’s Guide – How To Lift Weights And Eat Healthy

Beginner’s Guide – How To Lift Weights And Eat Healthy

Lifting weights, or resistance training, is a form of exercise that everyone can benefit from. Personally, I love weightlifting and I make sure to get my workout in each day (with interspersed recovery days, of course). Some benefits associated with lifting weights include (among others): If you are a newbie, you may wonder how to…