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5 Star Review Of The Movie Donovan

Jason Bee wrote, directed, produced, and starred in the movie Donovan. It is an amazing character-driven film about the triumph of the human spirit.

Specifically, the story is about a man trying to manage his bipolar disorder. In light of his recent divorce, he aims to be a good father to his son.

I don’t want to give too much away about the storyline.

When it comes to movies about bipolar disorder, I have seen them all. There are some T.V. shows out right now where the main character lives with bipolar disorder. Some traits and experiences of the character reflect having bipolar disorder. However, I have found so many irregularities.

I do not bring this up to bash anyone. On the contrary, I think it is a noble gesture to bring bipolar disorder to the forefront. I just don’t agree with incorrect depictions of it.

Move Over Hollywood!

Jason Bee created Donovan and put the film in a category all of its own.

As someone living with bipolar disorder myself, I relate to Donovan and his struggles. I think anyone who has bipolar disorder can empathize with the story of Donovan.

It is also a great film for those who do not have bipolar disorder and simply want to learn more.

The story is real, transparent, and completely relatable.

I think Jason is a cinematic genius. He has mad respect from me for everything he has accomplished despite living with bipolar disorder. Not only that, but Donovan is completely and utterly entertaining.

I recommend Donovan to everyone.

On a scale from one to ten, with ten being the absolute best, I would give Donovan a 15!

Jason Bee is a filmmaker and actor known for his intense, yet vulnerable style. Jason is also an advocate for mental health awareness. He wrote, produced, directed, and starred in the pseudo-biographical film ‘Donovan,’ which revolves around the effects of bipolar disorder as a way of reaching others in their journeys to spread the messages that you’re never alone and it’s okay to ask for help.

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